#pragma once

#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>            // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library
#include <RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h>
#include <SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.h>

// rotor controller states
enum RotorControlState {

// rotor control modes
enum RotorControlMode {

class AP_MotorsHeli_RSC {
    friend class AP_MotorsHeli_Single;
    friend class AP_MotorsHeli_Dual;
    friend class AP_MotorsHeli_Quad;

    AP_MotorsHeli_RSC(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t aux_fn,
                      uint8_t default_channel) :

    // init_servo - servo initialization on start-up
    void        init_servo();

    // set_control_mode - sets control mode
    void        set_control_mode(RotorControlMode mode) { _control_mode = mode; }

    // set_critical_speed
    void        set_critical_speed(float critical_speed) { _critical_speed = critical_speed; }

    // get_critical_speed
    float       get_critical_speed() const { return _critical_speed; }

    // set_idle_output
    float       get_idle_output() { return _idle_output; }
    void        set_idle_output(float idle_output) { _idle_output = idle_output; }

    // get_desired_speed
    float       get_desired_speed() const { return _desired_speed; }

    // set_desired_speed
    void        set_desired_speed(float desired_speed) { _desired_speed = desired_speed; }

    // get_control_speed
    float       get_control_output() const { return _control_output; }

    // get_rotor_speed - return estimated or measured rotor speed
    float       get_rotor_speed() const;

    // is_runup_complete
    bool        is_runup_complete() const { return _runup_complete; }

    // set_ramp_time
    void        set_ramp_time(int8_t ramp_time) { _ramp_time = ramp_time; }

    // set_runup_time
    void        set_runup_time(int8_t runup_time) { _runup_time = runup_time; }

    // set_throttle_curve
    void        set_throttle_curve(float thrcrv[5], uint16_t slewrate);

    // set_collective. collective for throttle curve calculation
    void        set_collective(float collective) { _collective_in = collective; }

    // output - update value to send to ESC/Servo
    void        output(RotorControlState state);

    uint64_t        _last_update_us;

    // channel setup for aux function
    SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t _aux_fn;
    uint8_t         _default_channel;

    // internal variables
    RotorControlMode _control_mode = ROTOR_CONTROL_MODE_DISABLED;   // motor control mode, Passthrough or Setpoint
    float           _critical_speed = 0.0f;     // rotor speed below which flight is not possible
    float           _idle_output = 0.0f;        // motor output idle speed
    float           _desired_speed = 0.0f;      // latest desired rotor speed from pilot
    float           _control_output = 0.0f;     // latest logic controlled output
    float           _rotor_ramp_output = 0.0f;  // scalar used to ramp rotor speed between _rsc_idle_output and full speed (0.0-1.0f)
    float           _rotor_runup_output = 0.0f; // scalar used to store status of rotor run-up time (0.0-1.0f)
    int8_t          _ramp_time = 0;             // time in seconds for the output to the main rotor's ESC to reach full speed
    int8_t          _runup_time = 0;            // time in seconds for the main rotor to reach full speed.  Must be longer than _rsc_ramp_time
    bool            _runup_complete = false;    // flag for determining if runup is complete
    float           _thrcrv_poly[4][4];         // spline polynomials for throttle curve interpolation
    uint16_t        _power_slewrate = 0;        // slewrate for throttle (percentage per second)
    float           _collective_in;             // collective in for throttle curve calculation, range 0-1.0f

    // update_rotor_ramp - slews rotor output scalar between 0 and 1, outputs float scalar to _rotor_ramp_output
    void            update_rotor_ramp(float rotor_ramp_input, float dt);

    // update_rotor_runup - function to slew rotor runup scalar, outputs float scalar to _rotor_runup_ouptut
    void            update_rotor_runup(float dt);

    // write_rsc - outputs pwm onto output rsc channel. servo_out parameter is of the range 0 ~ 1
    void            write_rsc(float servo_out);

    // calculate_desired_throttle - uses throttle curve and collective input to determine throttle setting
    float           calculate_desired_throttle(float collective_in);