#!/usr/bin/env python # Fly ArduCopter in SITL from __future__ import print_function import math import os import shutil import time import traceback import pexpect from pymavlink import mavutil from pymavlink import mavextra from pysim import util, rotmat from common import AutoTest from common import NotAchievedException, AutoTestTimeoutException, PreconditionFailedException # get location of scripts testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) SITL_START_LOCATION = mavutil.location(-35.362938, 149.165085, 584, 270) SITL_START_LOCATION_AVC = mavutil.location(40.072842, -105.230575, 1586, 0) # Flight mode switch positions are set-up in arducopter.param to be # switch 1 = Circle # switch 2 = Land # switch 3 = RTL # switch 4 = Auto # switch 5 = Loiter # switch 6 = Stabilize class AutoTestCopter(AutoTest): def __init__(self, binary, valgrind=False, gdb=False, speedup=10, frame=None, params=None, gdbserver=False, breakpoints=[], **kwargs): super(AutoTestCopter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.binary = binary self.valgrind = valgrind self.gdb = gdb self.frame = frame self.params = params self.gdbserver = gdbserver self.breakpoints = breakpoints self.speedup = speedup self.log_name = "ArduCopter" self.sitl = None def sitl_start_location(self): return SITL_START_LOCATION def mavproxy_options(self): ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).mavproxy_options() if self.frame != 'heli': ret.append('--quadcopter') return ret def sitl_streamrate(self): return 5 def vehicleinfo_key(self): return 'ArduCopter' def init(self): super(AutoTestCopter, self).init(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if self.frame is None: self.frame = '+' self.mavproxy_logfile = self.open_mavproxy_logfile() self.sitl = util.start_SITL(self.binary, model=self.frame, home=self.sitl_home(), speedup=self.speedup, valgrind=self.valgrind, gdb=self.gdb, gdbserver=self.gdbserver, breakpoints=self.breakpoints, vicon=True, wipe=True) self.mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL( 'ArduCopter', options=self.mavproxy_options()) self.mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)\r\n') self.logfile = self.mavproxy.match.group(1) self.progress("LOGFILE %s" % self.logfile) self.try_symlink_tlog() self.progress("WAITING FOR PARAMETERS") self.mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') self.get_mavlink_connection_going() self.apply_defaultfile_parameters() util.expect_setup_callback(self.mavproxy, self.expect_callback) self.expect_list_clear() self.expect_list_extend([self.sitl, self.mavproxy]) self.progress("Started simulator") self.progress("Ready to start testing!") def close(self): super(AutoTestCopter, self).close() # [2014/05/07] FC Because I'm doing a cross machine build # (source is on host, build is on guest VM) I cannot hard link # This flag tells me that I need to copy the data out if self.copy_tlog: shutil.copy(self.logfile, self.buildlog) def is_copter(self): return True def get_rudder_channel(self): return int(self.get_parameter("RCMAP_YAW")) def get_disarm_delay(self): return int(self.get_parameter("DISARM_DELAY")) def set_autodisarm_delay(self, delay): self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", delay) def user_takeoff(self, alt_min=30): '''takeoff using mavlink takeoff command''' self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF, 0, # param1 0, # param2 0, # param3 0, # param4 0, # param5 0, # param6 alt_min # param7 ) self.progress("Ran command") self.wait_for_alt(alt_min) def takeoff(self, alt_min=30, takeoff_throttle=1700, require_absolute=True, mode="STABILIZE", timeout=30): """Takeoff get to 30m altitude.""" self.progress("TAKEOFF") self.change_mode(mode) if not self.armed(): self.wait_ready_to_arm(require_absolute=require_absolute) self.zero_throttle() self.arm_vehicle() self.set_rc(3, takeoff_throttle) self.wait_for_alt(alt_min=alt_min, timeout=timeout) self.hover() self.progress("TAKEOFF COMPLETE") def wait_for_alt(self, alt_min=30, timeout=30): """Wait for altitude to be reached.""" m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m if alt < alt_min: self.wait_altitude(alt_min - 1, (alt_min + 5), relative=True, timeout=timeout) def land(self, timeout=60): """Land the quad.""" self.progress("STARTING LANDING") self.change_mode("LAND") self.wait_altitude(-5, 1, relative=True, timeout=timeout) self.progress("LANDING: ok!") def hover(self, hover_throttle=1500): self.set_rc(3, hover_throttle) # loiter - fly south west, then loiter within 5m position and altitude def loiter(self, holdtime=10, maxaltchange=5, maxdistchange=5): """Hold loiter position.""" self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # first aim south east self.progress("turn south east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(170) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly south east 50m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(50) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow moving self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt start = self.mav.location() tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Holding loiter at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(start, pos) alt_delta = math.fabs(m.alt - start_altitude) self.progress("Loiter Dist: %.2fm, alt:%u" % (delta, m.alt)) if alt_delta > maxaltchange: raise NotAchievedException( "Loiter alt shifted %u meters (> limit %u)" % (alt_delta, maxaltchange)) if delta > maxdistchange: raise NotAchievedException( "Loiter shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (delta, maxdistchange)) self.progress("Loiter OK for %u seconds" % holdtime) self.progress("Climb to 30m") self.change_alt(30) self.progress("Descend to 20m") self.change_alt(20) self.do_RTL() def watch_altitude_maintained(self, min_alt, max_alt, timeout=10): '''watch alt, relative alt must remain between min_alt and max_alt''' tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: return m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) if m.alt <= min_alt: raise NotAchievedException("Altitude not maintained: want >%f got=%f" % (min_alt, m.alt)) def test_mode_ALT_HOLD(self): self.takeoff(10, mode="ALT_HOLD") self.watch_altitude_maintained(9, 11, timeout=5) # feed in full elevator and aileron input and make sure we # retain altitude: self.set_rc(1, 1000) self.set_rc(2, 1000) self.watch_altitude_maintained(9, 11, timeout=5) self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.do_RTL() def change_alt(self, alt_min, climb_throttle=1920, descend_throttle=1080): """Change altitude.""" m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m if alt < alt_min: self.progress("Rise to alt:%u from %u" % (alt_min, alt)) self.set_rc(3, climb_throttle) self.wait_altitude(alt_min, (alt_min + 5), relative=True) else: self.progress("Lower to alt:%u from %u" % (alt_min, alt)) self.set_rc(3, descend_throttle) self.wait_altitude((alt_min - 5), alt_min, relative=True) self.hover() ################################################# # TESTS FLY ################################################# # fly a square in alt_hold mode def fly_square(self, side=50, timeout=300): self.clear_mission() self.takeoff(10) """Fly a square, flying N then E .""" tstart = self.get_sim_time() # ensure all sticks in the middle self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # switch to loiter mode temporarily to stop us from rising self.change_mode('LOITER') # first aim north self.progress("turn right towards north") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(10) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # save bottom left corner of box as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 1 & 2") self.save_wp() # switch back to stabilize mode self.change_mode('STABILIZE') # increase throttle a bit because we're about to pitch: self.set_rc(3, 1525) # pitch forward to fly north self.progress("Going north %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # save top left corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 3") self.save_wp() # roll right to fly east self.progress("Going east %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1700) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # save top right corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 4") self.save_wp() # pitch back to fly south self.progress("Going south %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1700) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # save bottom right corner of square as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 5") self.save_wp() # roll left to fly west self.progress("Going west %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1300) self.wait_distance(side) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # save bottom left corner of square (should be near home) as waypoint self.progress("Save WP 6") self.save_wp() # reduce throttle again self.set_rc(3, 1500) # descend to 10m self.progress("Descend to 10m in Loiter") self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.set_rc(3, 1300) time_left = timeout - (self.get_sim_time() - tstart) self.progress("timeleft = %u" % time_left) if time_left < 20: time_left = 20 self.wait_altitude(-10, 10, time_left, relative=True) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.save_wp() # save the stored mission to file num_wp = self.save_mission_to_file(os.path.join(testdir, "ch7_mission.txt")) if not num_wp: self.fail_list.append("save_mission_to_file") self.progress("save_mission_to_file failed") self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) self.progress("test: MISSION COMPLETE: passed!") self.change_mode('LAND') self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() # enter RTL mode and wait for the vehicle to disarm def do_RTL(self, timeout=250): """Return, land.""" self.change_mode("RTL") self.set_rc(3, 1500) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m home_distance = self.distance_to_home() home = "" if alt <= 1 and home_distance < 10: home = "HOME" self.progress("Alt: %.02f HomeDist: %.02f %s" % (alt, home_distance, home)) # our post-condition is that we are disarmed: if not self.armed(): if home == "": raise NotAchievedException("Did not get home") # success! return raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get home and disarm") def fly_loiter_to_alt(self): """loiter to alt""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PLND_ENABLED", 1) self.fetch_parameters() self.set_parameter("PLND_TYPE", 4) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 4000) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_PIN", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_SCALING", 12.12) self.reboot_sitl() self.load_mission("copter_loiter_to_alt.txt") self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.send('mode auto\n') self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1550) self.wait_current_waypoint(2) self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() except Exception as e: ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_throttle_failsafe(self, side=60, timeout=180): """Fly east, Failsafe, return, land.""" self.takeoff(10) # switch to loiter mode temporarily to stop us from rising self.change_mode('LOITER') # first aim east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(135) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # raise throttle slightly to avoid hitting the ground pos = self.mav.location(relative_alt=True) if pos.alt > 25: self.set_rc(3, 1300) self.wait_altitude(20, 25, relative=True) if pos.alt < 20: self.set_rc(3, 1800) self.wait_altitude(20, 25, relative=True) self.hover() self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.hover() # fly east 60 meters self.progress("# Going forward %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(2, 1350) self.wait_distance(side, 5, 60) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # pull throttle low self.progress("# Enter Failsafe by setting very low throttle") self.set_rc(3, 900) tstart = self.get_sim_time() homeloc = self.poll_home_position() home = mavutil.location(homeloc.latitude/1e7, homeloc.longitude/1e7, homeloc.altitude/1e3, 0) while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m pos = self.mav.location() home_distance = self.get_distance(home, pos ) self.progress("Alt: %.02f HomeDist: %.0f" % (alt, home_distance)) # check if we've reached home if alt <= 1 and home_distance < 10: # reduce throttle self.set_rc(3, 1100) # switch back to stabilize self.change_mode("LAND") self.progress("Waiting for disarm") self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("Reached failsafe home OK") self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.zero_throttle() return self.reboot_sitl() raise AutoTestTimeoutException( ("Failed to land and disarm on failsafe RTL - " "timed out after %u seconds" % timeout)) def fly_battery_failsafe(self, timeout=300): self.takeoff(10, mode='LOITER') # enable battery failsafe self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_LOW_ACT', 1) # trigger low voltage self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 10) # wait for LAND mode. If unsuccessful an exception will be raised self.wait_mode('LAND', timeout=timeout) # disable battery failsafe self.set_parameter('BATT_FS_LOW_ACT', 0) self.set_parameter('SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE', 13) self.progress("Successfully entered LAND after battery failsafe") self.reboot_sitl() # fly_stability_patch - fly south, then hold loiter within 5m # position and altitude and reduce 1 motor to 60% efficiency def fly_stability_patch(self, holdtime=30, maxaltchange=5, maxdistchange=10): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # first south self.progress("turn south") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(180) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly west 80m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(80) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow moving self.wait_groundspeed(0, 2) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt start = self.mav.location() tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Holding loiter at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) # cut motor 1 to 55% efficiency self.progress("Cutting motor 1 to 60% efficiency") self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 0.60) while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(start, pos) alt_delta = math.fabs(m.alt - start_altitude) self.progress("Loiter Dist: %.2fm, alt:%u" % (delta, m.alt)) if alt_delta > maxaltchange: raise NotAchievedException( "Loiter alt shifted %u meters (> limit %u)" % (alt_delta, maxaltchange)) if delta > maxdistchange: raise NotAchievedException( ("Loiter shifted %u meters (> limit of %u)" % (delta, maxdistchange))) # restore motor 1 to 100% efficiency self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 1.0) self.progress("Stability patch and Loiter OK for %us" % holdtime) self.progress("RTL after stab patch") self.do_RTL() def debug_arming_issue(self): while True: self.send_mavlink_arm_command() m = self.mav.recv_match(blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if m.get_type() in ["STATUSTEXT", "COMMAND_ACK"]: print("Got: %s" % str(m)) if self.mav.motors_armed(): self.progress("Armed") return # fly_fence_test - fly east until you hit the horizontal circular fence def fly_fence_test(self, timeout=180): # enable fence, disable avoidance self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() # fence requires home to be set: m = self.poll_home_position() if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not receive HOME_POSITION") self.progress("home: %s" % str(m)) self.start_subtest("ensure we can't arm if ouside fence") fence = os.path.join(self.mission_directory(), "fence-in-middle-of-nowhere.txt") self.mavproxy.send('fence load %s\n' % fence) self.mavproxy.expect("Loaded 6 geo-fence") self.delay_sim_time(5) # let fence check run so it loads-from-eeprom seen_statustext = False seen_command_ack = False tstart = self.get_sim_time_cached() while True: self.send_mavlink_arm_command() if seen_command_ack and seen_statustext: break if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 5: raise NotAchievedException("Did not see failure-to-arm messages (statustext=%s command_ack=%s" % (seen_statustext, seen_command_ack)) m = self.mav.recv_match(blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if m.get_type() == "STATUSTEXT": if "vehicle outside fence" in m.text: self.progress("Got: %s" % str(m)) seen_statustext = True elif "PreArm" in m.text: self.progress("Got: %s" % str(m)) raise NotAchievedException("Unexpected prearm failure (%s)" % m.text) if m.get_type() == "COMMAND_ACK": print("Got: %s" % str(m)) if m.command == mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM: if m.result != 4: raise NotAchievedException("command-ack says we didn't fail to arm") self.progress("Got: %s" % str(m)) seen_command_ack = True if self.mav.motors_armed(): raise NotAchievedException("Armed when we shouldn't have") self.progress("Failed to arm outside fence (good!)") self.drain_mav() self.mavproxy.send('fence clear\n') self.delay_sim_time(2) self.mavproxy.send('fence list\n') self.mavproxy.expect("No geo-fence points") self.start_subtest("Check breach-fence behaviour") self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 2) self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # first east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(160) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (east) at least 20m pitching_forward = True self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(20) # start timer tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.relative_alt / 1000.0 # mm -> m home_distance = self.distance_to_home() self.progress("Alt: %.02f HomeDistance: %.02f" % (alt, home_distance)) # recenter pitch sticks once we're home so we don't fly off again if pitching_forward and home_distance < 10: pitching_forward = False self.set_rc(2, 1475) # disable fence self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 0) if (alt <= 1 and home_distance < 10) or (not self.armed() and home_distance < 10): # reduce throttle self.zero_throttle() self.change_mode("LAND") self.progress("Waiting for disarm") self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("Reached home OK") self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.zero_throttle() # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm uncheck all\n') self.arm_vehicle() # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm check all\n') self.progress("Reached home OK") return # disable fence, enable avoidance self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 1) # give we're testing RTL, doing one here probably doesn't make sense raise AutoTestTimeoutException( ("Fence test failed to reach home - " "timed out after %u seconds" % timeout)) # fly_alt_fence_test - fly up until you hit the fence def fly_alt_max_fence_test(self): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") """Hold loiter position.""" self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # enable fence, disable avoidance self.set_parameter("FENCE_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("AVOID_ENABLE", 0) self.set_parameter("FENCE_TYPE", 1) self.change_alt(10) # first east self.progress("turn east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(160) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (east) at least 20m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(20) # stop flying forward and start flying up: self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.set_rc(3, 1800) # wait for fence to trigger self.wait_mode('RTL', timeout=120) self.progress("Waiting for disarm") self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.zero_throttle() self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm self.mavproxy.send('arm uncheck all\n') self.arm_vehicle() # remove if we ever clear battery failsafe flag on disarm: self.mavproxy.send('arm check all\n') def fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test(self, timeout=30, max_distance=20): """fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test. Fly south east in loiter and test reaction to gps glitch.""" self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # turn on simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(True) # set-up gps glitch array glitch_lat = [0.0002996, 0.0006958, 0.0009431, 0.0009991, 0.0009444, 0.0007716, 0.0006221] glitch_lon = [0.0000717, 0.0000912, 0.0002761, 0.0002626, 0.0002807, 0.0002049, 0.0001304] glitch_num = len(glitch_lat) self.progress("GPS Glitches:") for i in range(1, glitch_num): self.progress("glitch %d %.7f %.7f" % (i, glitch_lat[i], glitch_lon[i])) # turn south east self.progress("turn south east") self.set_rc(4, 1580) try: self.wait_heading(150) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # fly forward (south east) at least 60m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(60) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # wait for copter to slow down except Exception as e: if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) raise e # record time and position tstart = self.get_sim_time() tnow = tstart start_pos = self.sim_location() # initialise current glitch glitch_current = 0 self.progress("Apply first glitch") self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # record position for 30 seconds while tnow < tstart + timeout: tnow = self.get_sim_time() desired_glitch_num = int((tnow - tstart) * 2.2) if desired_glitch_num > glitch_current and glitch_current != -1: glitch_current = desired_glitch_num # turn off glitching if we've reached the end of glitch list if glitch_current >= glitch_num: glitch_current = -1 self.progress("Completed Glitches") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", 0) else: self.progress("Applying glitch %u" % glitch_current) # move onto the next glitch self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # start displaying distance moved after all glitches applied if glitch_current == -1: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) alt = m.alt/1000.0 # mm -> m curr_pos = self.sim_location() moved_distance = self.get_distance(curr_pos, start_pos) self.progress("Alt: %.02f Moved: %.0f" % (alt, moved_distance)) if moved_distance > max_distance: raise NotAchievedException( "Moved over %u meters, Failed!" % max_distance) # disable gps glitch if glitch_current != -1: self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", 0) if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) self.progress("GPS glitch test passed!" " stayed within %u meters for %u seconds" % (max_distance, timeout)) self.do_RTL() # fly_gps_glitch_auto_test - fly mission and test reaction to gps glitch def fly_gps_glitch_auto_test(self, timeout=120): # set-up gps glitch array glitch_lat = [0.0002996, 0.0006958, 0.0009431, 0.0009991, 0.0009444, 0.0007716, 0.0006221] glitch_lon = [0.0000717, 0.0000912, 0.0002761, 0.0002626, 0.0002807, 0.0002049, 0.0001304] glitch_num = len(glitch_lat) self.progress("GPS Glitches:") for i in range(1, glitch_num): self.progress("glitch %d %.7f %.7f" % (i, glitch_lat[i], glitch_lon[i])) # Fly mission #1 self.progress("# Load copter_glitch_mission") # load the waypoint count num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_glitch_mission.txt") if not num_wp: raise NotAchievedException("load copter_glitch_mission failed") # turn on simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(True) self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.zero_throttle() self.arm_vehicle() # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # wait until 100m from home try: self.wait_distance(100, 5, 90) except Exception as e: if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) raise e # record time and position tstart = self.get_sim_time() # initialise current glitch glitch_current = 0 self.progress("Apply first glitch") self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # record position for 30 seconds while glitch_current < glitch_num: tnow = self.get_sim_time() desired_glitch_num = int((tnow - tstart) * 2.2) if desired_glitch_num > glitch_current and glitch_current != -1: glitch_current = desired_glitch_num # apply next glitch if glitch_current < glitch_num: self.progress("Applying glitch %u" % glitch_current) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X %.7f\n' % glitch_lat[glitch_current]) self.mavproxy.send('param set SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y %.7f\n' % glitch_lon[glitch_current]) # turn off glitching self.progress("Completed Glitches") self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_X", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_GLITCH_Y", 0) # continue with the mission self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # wait for arrival back home self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) while self.distance_to_home() > 5: if self.get_sim_time() > (tstart + timeout): raise AutoTestTimeoutException( ("GPS Glitch testing failed" "- exceeded timeout %u seconds" % timeout)) self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.progress("Dist from home: %.02f" % self.distance_to_home()) # turn off simulator display of gps and actual position if self.use_map: self.show_gps_and_sim_positions(False) self.progress("GPS Glitch test Auto completed: passed!") # fly_simple - assumes the simple bearing is initialised to be # directly north flies a box with 100m west, 15 seconds north, # 50 seconds east, 15 seconds south def fly_simple(self, side=50): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # hold position in loiter self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') # loiter mode self.wait_mode('LOITER') # set SIMPLE mode for all flight modes self.set_parameter("SIMPLE", 63) # switch to stabilize mode self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # fly south 50m self.progress("# Flying south %u meters" % side) self.set_rc(1, 1300) self.wait_distance(side, 5, 60) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # fly west 8 seconds self.progress("# Flying west for 8 seconds") self.set_rc(2, 1300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < (tstart + 8): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # fly north 25 meters self.progress("# Flying north %u meters" % (side/2.0)) self.set_rc(1, 1700) self.wait_distance(side/2, 5, 60) self.set_rc(1, 1500) # fly east 8 seconds self.progress("# Flying east for 8 seconds") self.set_rc(2, 1700) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < (tstart + 8): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # restore to default self.set_parameter("SIMPLE", 0) # hover in place self.hover() self.do_RTL() # fly_super_simple - flies a circle around home for 45 seconds def fly_super_simple(self, timeout=45): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # fly forward 20m self.progress("# Flying forward 20 meters") self.set_rc(2, 1300) self.wait_distance(20, 5, 60) self.set_rc(2, 1500) # set SUPER SIMPLE mode for all flight modes self.set_parameter("SUPER_SIMPLE", 63) # switch to stabilize mode self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.set_rc(3, 1500) # start copter yawing slowly self.set_rc(4, 1550) # roll left for timeout seconds self.progress("# rolling left from pilot's POV for %u seconds" % timeout) self.set_rc(1, 1300) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() < (tstart + timeout): self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) # stop rolling and yawing self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # restore simple mode parameters to default self.set_parameter("SUPER_SIMPLE", 0) # hover in place self.hover() self.do_RTL() # fly_circle - flies a circle with 20m radius def fly_circle(self, holdtime=36): self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") # face west self.progress("turn west") self.set_rc(4, 1580) self.wait_heading(270) self.set_rc(4, 1500) # set CIRCLE radius self.set_parameter("CIRCLE_RADIUS", 3000) # fly forward (east) at least 100m self.set_rc(2, 1100) self.wait_distance(100) # return pitch stick back to middle self.set_rc(2, 1500) # set CIRCLE mode self.mavproxy.send('switch 1\n') # circle mode self.wait_mode('CIRCLE') # wait m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_altitude = m.alt tstart = self.get_sim_time() self.progress("Circle at %u meters for %u seconds" % (start_altitude, holdtime)) while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + holdtime: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.progress("heading %d" % m.heading) self.progress("CIRCLE OK for %u seconds" % holdtime) self.do_RTL() def wait_attitude(self, desroll=None, despitch=None, timeout=2, tolerance=10): '''wait for an attitude (degrees)''' if desroll is None and despitch is None: raise ValueError("despitch or desroll must be supplied") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 2: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Failed to achieve attitude") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) roll_deg = math.degrees(m.roll) pitch_deg = math.degrees(m.pitch) self.progress("wait_att: roll=%f desroll=%s pitch=%f despitch=%s" % (roll_deg, desroll, pitch_deg, despitch)) if desroll is not None and abs(roll_deg - desroll) > tolerance: continue if despitch is not None and abs(pitch_deg - despitch) > tolerance: continue return def fly_flip(self): ex = None try: self.mavproxy.send("set streamrate -1\n") self.set_message_rate_hz(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE, 100) self.takeoff(20) self.hover() old_speedup = self.get_parameter("SIM_SPEEDUP") self.set_parameter('SIM_SPEEDUP', 1) self.progress("Flipping in roll") self.set_rc(1, 1700) self.mavproxy.send('mode FLIP\n') # don't wait for heartbeat! self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=45, tolerance=30) self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=90, tolerance=30) self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=-45, tolerance=30) self.progress("Waiting for level") self.set_rc(1, 1500) # can't change quickly enough! self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=0, tolerance=5) self.progress("Regaining altitude") self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.set_rc(3, 1800) self.wait_for_alt(20) self.hover() self.progress("Flipping in pitch") self.set_rc(2, 1700) self.mavproxy.send('mode FLIP\n') # don't wait for heartbeat! self.wait_attitude(despitch=45, desroll=0, tolerance=30) # can't check roll here as it flips from 0 to -180.. self.wait_attitude(despitch=90, tolerance=30) self.wait_attitude(despitch=-45, tolerance=30) self.progress("Waiting for level") self.set_rc(1, 1500) # can't change quickly enough! self.wait_attitude(despitch=0, desroll=0, tolerance=5) self.set_parameter('SIM_SPEEDUP', old_speedup) self.change_mode('RTL') self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() except Exception as e: ex = e self.set_message_rate_hz(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE, 0) sr = self.sitl_streamrate() self.mavproxy.send("set streamrate %u\n" % sr) if ex is not None: raise ex # fly_optical_flow_limits - test EKF navigation limiting def fly_optical_flow_limits(self): ex = None self.context_push() try: self.set_parameter("SIM_FLOW_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("FLOW_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 4000) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_PIN", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_SCALING", 12.12, epsilon=0.01) self.set_parameter("SIM_GPS_DISABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_TERRAIN", 0) self.reboot_sitl() self.takeoff(alt_min=2, require_absolute=False) self.mavproxy.send('mode loiter\n') self.wait_mode('LOITER') # speed should be limited to <10m/s self.set_rc(2, 1000) tstart = self.get_sim_time() timeout = 60 while self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart < timeout: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) spd = m.groundspeed max_speed = 8 self.progress("%0.1f: Low Speed: %f (want <= %u)" % (self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart, spd, max_speed)) if spd > max_speed: raise NotAchievedException(("Speed should be limited by" "EKF optical flow limits")) self.progress("Moving higher") self.change_alt(60) self.wait_groundspeed(10, 100, timeout=60) except Exception as e: ex = e self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex # fly_autotune - autotune the virtual vehicle def fly_autotune(self): self.takeoff(10) # hold position in loiter self.mavproxy.send('mode autotune\n') self.wait_mode('AUTOTUNE') tstart = self.get_sim_time() sim_time_expected = 5000 deadline = tstart + sim_time_expected while self.get_sim_time_cached() < deadline: now = self.get_sim_time_cached() m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue self.progress("STATUSTEXT (%u<%u): %s" % (now, deadline, m.text)) if "AutoTune: Success" in m.text: self.progress("AUTOTUNE OK (%u seconds)" % (now - tstart)) # near enough for now: self.change_mode('LAND') self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() return raise NotAchievedException("AUTOTUNE failed (%u seconds)" % (self.get_sim_time() - tstart)) # fly_auto_test - fly mission which tests a significant number of commands def fly_auto_test(self): # Fly mission #1 self.progress("# Load copter_mission") # load the waypoint count num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_mission.txt") if not num_wp: raise NotAchievedException("load copter_mission failed") self.progress("test: Fly a mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') self.change_mode("LOITER") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.change_mode("AUTO") self.set_rc(3, 1500) # fly the mission self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # set throttle to minimum self.zero_throttle() # wait for disarm self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("MOTORS DISARMED OK") self.progress("Auto mission completed: passed!") # fly_avc_test - fly AVC mission def fly_avc_test(self): # Arm self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.progress("Raising rotor speed") self.set_rc(8, 2000) # upload mission from file self.progress("# Load copter_AVC2013_mission") # load the waypoint count num_wp = self.load_mission("copter_AVC2013_mission.txt") if not num_wp: raise NotAchievedException("load copter_AVC2013_mission failed") self.progress("Fly AVC mission from 1 to %u" % num_wp) self.mavproxy.send('wp set 1\n') # wait for motor runup self.wait_seconds(20) # switch into AUTO mode and raise throttle self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) # fly the mission self.wait_waypoint(0, num_wp-1, timeout=500) # set throttle to minimum self.zero_throttle() # wait for disarm self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.progress("MOTORS DISARMED OK") self.progress("Lowering rotor speed") self.set_rc(8, 1000) self.progress("AVC mission completed: passed!") def fly_motor_fail(self, fail_servo=0, fail_mul=0.0, holdtime=30): """Test flight with reduced motor efficiency""" # we only expect an octocopter to survive ATM: servo_counts = { # 2: 6, # hexa 3: 8, # octa # 5: 6, # Y6 } frame_class = int(self.get_parameter("FRAME_CLASS")) if frame_class not in servo_counts: self.progress("Test not relevant for frame_class %u" % frame_class) return servo_count = servo_counts[frame_class] if fail_servo < 0 or fail_servo > servo_count: raise ValueError('fail_servo outside range for frame class') self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") self.change_alt(alt_min=50) # Get initial values start_hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) start_attitude = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) hover_time = 5 try: tstart = self.get_sim_time() int_error_alt = 0 int_error_yaw_rate = 0 int_error_yaw = 0 self.progress("Hovering for %u seconds" % hover_time) failed = False while self.get_sim_time() < tstart + holdtime + hover_time: ti = self.get_sim_time() servo = self.mav.recv_match(type='SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW', blocking=True) hud = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) attitude = self.mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) if not failed and self.get_sim_time() - tstart > hover_time: self.progress("Killing motor %u (%u%%)" % (fail_servo+1, fail_mul)) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", fail_servo) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", fail_mul) failed = True if failed: self.progress("Hold Time: %f/%f" % (self.get_sim_time()-tstart, holdtime)) servo_pwm = [servo.servo1_raw, servo.servo2_raw, servo.servo3_raw, servo.servo4_raw, servo.servo5_raw, servo.servo6_raw, servo.servo7_raw, servo.servo8_raw] self.progress("PWM output per motor") for i, pwm in enumerate(servo_pwm[0:servo_count]): if pwm > 1900: state = "oversaturated" elif pwm < 1200: state = "undersaturated" else: state = "OK" if failed and i == fail_servo: state += " (failed)" self.progress("servo %u [pwm=%u] [%s]" % (i+1, pwm, state)) alt_delta = hud.alt - start_hud.alt yawrate_delta = attitude.yawspeed - start_attitude.yawspeed yaw_delta = attitude.yaw - start_attitude.yaw self.progress("Alt=%fm (delta=%fm)" % (hud.alt, alt_delta)) self.progress("Yaw rate=%f (delta=%f) (rad/s)" % (attitude.yawspeed, yawrate_delta)) self.progress("Yaw=%f (delta=%f) (deg)" % (attitude.yaw, yaw_delta)) dt = self.get_sim_time() - ti int_error_alt += abs(alt_delta/dt) int_error_yaw_rate += abs(yawrate_delta/dt) int_error_yaw += abs(yaw_delta/dt) self.progress("## Error Integration ##") self.progress(" Altitude: %fm" % int_error_alt) self.progress(" Yaw rate: %f rad/s" % int_error_yaw_rate) self.progress(" Yaw: %f deg" % int_error_yaw) self.progress("----") if alt_delta < -20: raise NotAchievedException("Vehicle is descending") self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 1.0) except Exception as e: self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 1.0) raise e self.do_RTL() def fly_vision_position(self): """Disable GPS navigation, enable Vicon input.""" # scribble down a location we can set origin to: self.progress("Waiting for location") self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.wait_ready_to_arm() old_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) print("old_pos=%s" % str(old_pos)) self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE", 0) self.set_parameter("EK2_GPS_TYPE", 3) self.set_parameter("SERIAL5_PROTOCOL", 1) self.reboot_sitl() # without a GPS or some sort of external prompting, AP # doesn't send system_time messages. So prompt it: self.mav.mav.system_time_send(time.time() * 1000000, 0) self.mav.mav.set_gps_global_origin_send(1, old_pos.lat, old_pos.lon, old_pos.alt) self.progress("Waiting for non-zero-lat") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: gpi = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) # self.progress("gpi=%s" % str(gpi)) if gpi.lat != 0: break if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 10: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not get non-zero lat") self.takeoff() self.set_rc(1, 1600) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: vicon_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='VICON_POSITION_ESTIMATE', blocking=True) # print("vpe=%s" % str(vicon_pos)) self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) # self.progress("gpi=%s" % str(gpi)) if vicon_pos.x > 40: break if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 100: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Vicon showed no movement") # recenter controls: self.set_rc(1, 1500) self.progress("# Enter RTL") self.mavproxy.send('switch 3\n') self.set_rc(3, 1500) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 200: raise NotAchievedException("Did not disarm") self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) # print("gpi=%s" % str(gpi)) self.mav.recv_match(type='SIMSTATE', blocking=True) # print("ss=%s" % str(ss)) # wait for RTL disarm: if not self.armed(): break except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.context_pop() self.zero_throttle() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_rtl_speed(self): """Test RTL Speed parameters""" rtl_speed_ms = 7 wpnav_speed_ms = 4 wpnav_accel_mss = 3 tolerance = 0.5 self.load_mission("copter_rtl_speed.txt") self.set_parameter('WPNAV_ACCEL', wpnav_accel_mss * 100) self.set_parameter('RTL_SPEED', rtl_speed_ms * 100) self.set_parameter('WPNAV_SPEED', wpnav_speed_ms * 100) self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1600) self.wait_altitude(19, 25, relative=True) self.wait_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms-tolerance, wpnav_speed_ms+tolerance) self.monitor_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms, timeout=20) self.change_mode('RTL') self.wait_groundspeed(rtl_speed_ms-tolerance, rtl_speed_ms+tolerance) self.monitor_groundspeed(rtl_speed_ms, timeout=5) self.change_mode('AUTO') self.wait_groundspeed(0-tolerance, 0+tolerance) self.wait_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms-tolerance, wpnav_speed_ms+tolerance) self.monitor_groundspeed(wpnav_speed_ms, timeout=5) self.change_mode('RTL') self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() def fly_nav_delay(self): """Fly a simple mission that has a delay in it.""" self.load_mission("copter_nav_delay.txt") self.mavproxy.send('mode loiter\n') self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.context_push() ex = None try: self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.send('mode auto\n') self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_parameter("DISARM_DELAY", 0) self.set_rc(3, 1600) count_start = -1 count_stop = -1 tstart = self.get_sim_time() last_mission_current_msg = 0 last_seq = None while self.armed(): # we RTL at end of mission now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 120: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not disarm as expected") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True) if ((now - last_mission_current_msg) > 1 or m.seq != last_seq): dist = None x = self.mav.messages.get("NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT", None) if x is not None: dist = x.wp_dist self.progress("MISSION_CURRENT.seq=%u dist=%s" % (m.seq, dist)) last_mission_current_msg = self.get_sim_time_cached() last_seq = m.seq if m.seq == 3: self.progress("At delay item") if count_start == -1: count_start = now if m.seq > 3: if count_stop == -1: count_stop = now calculated_delay = count_stop - count_start want_delay = 59 # should reflect what's in the mission file self.progress("Stopped for %u seconds (want >=%u seconds)" % (calculated_delay, want_delay)) if calculated_delay < want_delay: raise NotAchievedException("Did not delay for long enough") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.zero_throttle() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_rangefinder(self): ex = None self.context_push() self.progress("Making sure we don't ordinarily get RANGEFINDER") try: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RANGEFINDER', blocking=True, timeout=5) except Exception as e: print("Caught exception %s" % str(e)) if m is not None: raise NotAchievedException("Received unexpected RANGEFINDER msg") try: self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 4000) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_PIN", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_SCALING", 12.12) self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 10) # rangefinder self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Making sure we now get RANGEFINDER messages") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='RANGEFINDER', blocking=True, timeout=10) if m is None: raise NotAchievedException("Did not get expected RANGEFINDER msg") self.progress("Checking RangeFinder is marked as enabled in mavlink") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=10) flags = m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled if not flags & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION: raise NotAchievedException("Laser not enabled in SYS_STATUS") self.progress("Disabling laser using switch") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.delay_sim_time(1) self.progress("Checking RangeFinder is marked as disabled in mavlink") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=10) flags = m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled if flags & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION: raise NotAchievedException("Laser enabled in SYS_STATUS") self.progress("Re-enabling rangefinder") self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.delay_sim_time(1) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=10) flags = m.onboard_control_sensors_enabled if not flags & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_LASER_POSITION: raise NotAchievedException("Laser not enabled in SYS_STATUS") self.takeoff(10, mode="LOITER") m_r = self.mav.recv_match(type='RANGEFINDER', blocking=True) m_p = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) if abs(m_r.distance - m_p.relative_alt/1000) > 1: raise NotAchievedException("rangefinder/global position int mismatch") self.land() except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.land() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_parachute(self): self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_ENABLED", 1) self.set_parameter("CHUTE_TYPE", 10) self.set_parameter("SERVO9_FUNCTION", 27) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_PARA_PIN", 9) self.progress("Test triggering parachute in mission") self.load_mission("copter_parachute_mission.txt") self.change_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1600) self.mavproxy.expect('BANG') self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Test triggering with mavlink message") self.takeoff(20) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_PARACHUTE, 2, # release 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.mavproxy.expect('BANG') self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Testing three-position switch") self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 23) # parachute 3pos self.progress("Test manual triggering") self.takeoff(20) self.set_rc(9, 2000) self.mavproxy.expect('BANG') self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_push() self.progress("Crashing with 3pos switch in enable position") self.takeoff(40) self.set_rc(9, 1500) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 1) self.mavproxy.expect('BANG') self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.reboot_sitl() self.context_pop(); self.progress("Crashing with 3pos switch in disable position") loiter_alt = 10 self.takeoff(loiter_alt, mode='LOITER') self.set_rc(9, 1100) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_MUL", 0) self.set_parameter("SIM_ENGINE_FAIL", 1) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time_cached() < tstart + 5: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='STATUSTEXT', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if "BANG" in m.text: self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.reboot_sitl() raise NotAchievedException("Parachute deployed when disabled") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.reboot_sitl() def fly_precision_sitl(self): """Use SITL PrecLand backend precision messages to land aircraft.""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PLND_ENABLED", 1) self.fetch_parameters() self.set_parameter("PLND_TYPE", 4) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 4000) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_PIN", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_SCALING", 12.12) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Waiting for location") old_pos = self.mav.location() self.zero_throttle() self.takeoff(10, 1800) # move away a little self.set_rc(2, 1550) self.wait_distance(5) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # land mode self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) new_pos = self.mav.location() delta = self.get_distance(old_pos, new_pos) self.progress("Landed %u metres from original position" % delta) if delta > 1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not land close enough to original position") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.zero_throttle() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("All done") if ex is not None: raise ex def get_system_clock_utc(self, time_seconds): # this is a copy of ArduPilot's AP_RTC function! # separate time into ms, sec, min, hour and days but all expressed # in milliseconds time_ms = time_seconds * 1000 ms = time_ms % 1000 sec_ms = (time_ms % (60 * 1000)) - ms min_ms = (time_ms % (60 * 60 * 1000)) - sec_ms - ms hour_ms = (time_ms % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) - min_ms - sec_ms - ms # convert times as milliseconds into appropriate units secs = sec_ms / 1000 mins = min_ms / (60 * 1000) hours = hour_ms / (60 * 60 * 1000) return (hours, mins, secs, 0) def calc_delay(self, seconds): # delay-for-seconds has to be long enough that we're at the # waypoint before that time. Otherwise we'll try to wait a # day.... (hours, mins, secs, ms) = self.get_system_clock_utc(seconds) self.progress("Now is %uh %um %us" % (hours, mins, secs)) secs += 17 # add seventeen seconds if secs >= 60: secs %= 60 mins += 1 # add sixty seconds mins += 1 if mins >= 60: mins %= 60 hours += 1 if hours >= 24: hours %= 24 return (hours, mins, secs, 0) def reset_delay_item_seventyseven(self, seq): while True: self.progress("Requesting request for seq %u" % (seq,)) self.mav.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send(1, # target system 1, # target component seq, # start index seq) req = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_REQUEST', blocking=True, timeout=1) if req is not None and req.seq == seq: if req.get_srcSystem() == 255: self.progress("Shutup MAVProxy") continue # notionally this might be in the message cache before # we prompt for it... *shrug* break # we have received a request for the item. Supply it: frame = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT command = mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_NAV_DELAY # retrieve mission item and check it: tried_set = False hours = None mins = None secs = None while True: self.progress("Requesting item") self.mav.mav.mission_request_send(1, 1, seq) st = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_ITEM', blocking=True, timeout=1) if st is None: continue print("Item: %s" % str(st)) have_match = (tried_set and st.seq == seq and st.command == command and st.param2 == hours and st.param3 == mins and st.param4 == secs) if have_match: return self.progress("Mission mismatch") m = None tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 3: raise NotAchievedException( "Did not receive MISSION_REQUEST") self.mav.mav.mission_write_partial_list_send(1, 1, seq, seq) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_REQUEST', blocking=True, timeout=1) if m is None: continue if m.seq != st.seq: continue break self.progress("Sending absolute-time mission item") # we have to change out the delay time... now = self.mav.messages["SYSTEM_TIME"] if now is None: raise PreconditionFailedException("Never got SYSTEM_TIME") if now.time_unix_usec == 0: raise PreconditionFailedException("system time is zero") (hours, mins, secs, ms) = self.calc_delay( now.time_unix_usec/1000000) self.progress("Delay until %uh %um %us" % (hours, mins, secs)) self.mav.mav.mission_item_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component seq, # seq frame, # frame command, # command 0, # current 1, # autocontinue 0, # p1 (relative seconds) hours, # p2 mins, # p3 secs, # p4 0, # p5 0, # p6 0) # p7 tried_set = True ack = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_ACK', blocking=True, timeout=1) self.progress("Received ack: %s" % str(ack)) def fly_nav_delay_abstime(self): """fly a simple mission that has a delay in it""" self.load_mission("copter_nav_delay.txt") self.progress("Starting mission") self.mavproxy.send('mode loiter\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() delay_item_seq = 3 self.reset_delay_item_seventyseven(delay_item_seq) delay_for_seconds = 77 reset_at_m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYSTEM_TIME', blocking=True) reset_at = reset_at_m.time_unix_usec/1000000 self.context_push() ex = None try: self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.send('mode auto\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1600) count_stop = -1 tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.armed(): # we RTL at end of mission now = self.get_sim_time() if now - tstart > 120: raise AutoTestTimeoutException("Did not disarm as expected") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True) self.progress("MISSION_CURRENT.seq=%u" % (m.seq,)) if m.seq == delay_item_seq: self.progress("At delay item") if m.seq > delay_item_seq: if count_stop == -1: count_stop_m = self.mav.recv_match(type='SYSTEM_TIME', blocking=True) count_stop = count_stop_m.time_unix_usec/1000000 calculated_delay = count_stop - reset_at error = abs(calculated_delay - delay_for_seconds) self.progress("Stopped for %u seconds (want >=%u seconds)" % (calculated_delay, delay_for_seconds)) if error > 2: raise NotAchievedException("delay outside expectations") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.zero_throttle() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_nav_takeoff_delay_abstime(self): """make sure taking off at a specific time works""" self.load_mission("copter_nav_delay_takeoff.txt") self.progress("Starting mission") self.mavproxy.send('mode loiter\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('LOITER') self.wait_ready_to_arm() delay_item_seq = 2 self.reset_delay_item_seventyseven(delay_item_seq) delay_for_seconds = 77 reset_at = self.get_sim_time_cached() self.context_push() ex = None try: self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.send('mode auto\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1600) # should not take off for about least 77 seconds tstart = self.get_sim_time() took_off = False while self.armed(): now = self.get_sim_time_cached() if now - tstart > 200: # timeout break m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MISSION_CURRENT', blocking=True) now = self.get_sim_time_cached() self.progress("%s" % str(m)) if m.seq > delay_item_seq: if not took_off: took_off = True delta_time = now - reset_at if abs(delta_time - delay_for_seconds) > 2: raise NotAchievedException(( "Did not take off on time " "measured=%f want=%f" % (delta_time, delay_for_seconds))) if not took_off: raise NotAchievedException("Did not take off") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.zero_throttle() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_setting_modes_via_modeswitch(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: fltmode_ch = 5 self.set_parameter("FLTMODE_CH", fltmode_ch) self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, 1000) # PWM for mode1 testmodes = [("FLTMODE1", 4, "GUIDED", 1165), ("FLTMODE2", 13, "SPORT", 1295), ("FLTMODE3", 6, "RTL", 1425), ("FLTMODE4", 7, "CIRCLE", 1555), ("FLTMODE5", 1, "ACRO", 1685), ("FLTMODE6", 17, "BRAKE", 1815), ] for mode in testmodes: (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_parameter(parm, parm_value) for mode in reversed(testmodes): (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, pwm) self.wait_mode(name) for mode in testmodes: (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, pwm) self.wait_mode(name) for mode in reversed(testmodes): (parm, parm_value, name, pwm) = mode self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, pwm) self.wait_mode(name) self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') self.wait_mode("BRAKE") self.mavproxy.send('switch 5\n') self.wait_mode("ACRO") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_setting_modes_via_auxswitch(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: fltmode_ch = int(self.get_parameter("FLTMODE_CH")) self.set_rc(fltmode_ch, 1000) self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") self.set_rc(9, 1000) self.set_rc(10, 1000) self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 18) # land self.set_parameter("RC10_OPTION", 55) # guided self.set_rc(9, 1900) self.wait_mode("LAND") self.set_rc(10, 1900) self.wait_mode("GUIDED") self.set_rc(10, 1000) # this re-polls the mode switch self.wait_mode("CIRCLE") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.context_pop() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_guided_stop(self, timeout=20, groundspeed_tolerance=0.05, climb_tolerance=0.001): """stop the vehicle moving in guided mode""" self.progress("Stopping vehicle") tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Vehicle did not stop") # send a position-control command self.mav.mav.set_position_target_local_ned_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED, 0b1111111111111000, # mask specifying use-only-x-y-z 0, # x 0, # y 0, # z 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) print("%s" % str(m)) if (m.groundspeed < groundspeed_tolerance and m.climb < climb_tolerance): break def fly_guided_move_relative(self, lat, lon, alt): startpos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > 200: raise NotAchievedException("Did not move far enough") # send a position-control command self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT, 0b1111111111111000, # mask specifying use-only-lat-lon-alt lat, # lat lon, # lon alt, # alt 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True) delta = self.get_distance_int(startpos, pos) self.progress("delta=%f (want >10)" % delta) if delta > 10: break def fly_guided_move_local(self, x, y, z_up, timeout=100): """move the vehicle using MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED""" startpos = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) self.progress("startpos=%s" % str(startpos)) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Did not start to move") # send a position-control command self.mav.mav.set_position_target_local_ned_send( 0, # timestamp 1, # target system_id 1, # target component id mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, 0b1111111111111000, # mask specifying use-only-x-y-z x, # x y, # y -z_up,# z 0, # vx 0, # vy 0, # vz 0, # afx 0, # afy 0, # afz 0, # yaw 0, # yawrate ) m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) print("%s" % m) if m.groundspeed > 0.5: break self.progress("Waiting for vehicle to stop...") self.wait_groundspeed(1, 100, timeout=timeout) stoppos = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) self.progress("stop_pos=%s" % str(stoppos)) x_achieved = stoppos.x - startpos.x if x_achieved - x > 1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not achieve x position: want=%f got=%f" % (x, x_achieved)) y_achieved = stoppos.y - startpos.y if y_achieved - y > 1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not achieve y position: want=%f got=%f" % (y, y_achieved)) z_achieved = stoppos.z - startpos.z if z_achieved - z_up > 1: raise NotAchievedException("Did not achieve z position: want=%f got=%f" % (z_up, z_achieved)) def earth_to_body(self, vector): m = self.mav.messages["ATTITUDE"] x = rotmat.Vector3(m.roll, m.pitch, m.yaw) # print('r=%f p=%f y=%f' % (m.roll, m.pitch, m.yaw)) return vector - x def loiter_to_ne(self, x, y, z): dest = rotmat.Vector3(x, y, z) while True: m_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) pos = rotmat.Vector3(m_pos.x, m_pos.y, m_pos.z) delta_ef = pos - dest dist = math.sqrt(delta_ef.x * delta_ef.x + delta_ef.y * delta_ef.y) self.progress("dist=%f" % (dist,)) if dist < 0.1: break delta_bf = self.earth_to_body(delta_ef) angle_x = math.atan2(delta_bf.x, delta_bf.z) angle_y = math.atan2(delta_bf.y, delta_bf.z) distance = math.sqrt(delta_bf.x * delta_bf.x + delta_bf.y * delta_bf.y + delta_bf.z * delta_bf.z) self.mav.mav.landing_target_send( 0, # time_usec 1, # target_num mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, # frame; AP ignores angle_x, # angle x (radians) angle_y, # angle y (radians) distance, # distance to target 0.01, # size of target in radians, X-axis 0.01 # size of target in radians, Y-axis ) tstart = self.get_sim_time() while self.get_sim_time() - tstart < 10: m_pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) pos = rotmat.Vector3(m_pos.x, m_pos.y, m_pos.z) delta_ef = pos - dest dist = math.sqrt(delta_ef.x * delta_ef.x + delta_ef.y * delta_ef.y) self.progress("dist=%f" % (dist,)) def fly_payload_place_mission(self): """Test payload placing in auto.""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 4000) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_PIN", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_SCALING", 12.12) self.set_parameter("GRIP_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("GRIP_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_GRPS_ENABLE", 1) self.set_parameter("SIM_GRPS_PIN", 8) self.set_parameter("SERVO8_FUNCTION", 28) self.set_parameter("RC9_OPTION", 19) self.reboot_sitl() self.set_rc(9, 2000) # load the mission: self.load_mission("copter_payload_place.txt") self.progress("Waiting for location") self.mav.location() self.zero_throttle() self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') # auto mode self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.wait_text("Gripper load releas", timeout=90) self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("All done") if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_guided_change_submode(self): """"Ensure we can move around in guided after a takeoff command.""" self.context_push() ex = None try: '''start by disabling GCS failsafe, otherwise we immediately disarm due to (apparently) not receiving traffic from the GCS for too long. This is probably a function of --speedup''' self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) self.mavproxy.send('mode guided\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.user_takeoff(alt_min=10) """yaw through absolute angles using MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW""" self.guided_achieve_heading(45) self.guided_achieve_heading(135) """move the vehicle using set_position_target_global_int""" self.fly_guided_move_relative(5, 5, 10) """move the vehicle using MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED""" self.fly_guided_stop() self.fly_guided_move_local(5, 5, 10) self.progress("Landing") self.mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') # land mode self.wait_mode('LAND') self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught") ex = e self.context_pop() self.zero_throttle() self.reboot_sitl() if ex is not None: raise ex def test_gripper_mission(self): self.context_push() ex = None try: self.load_mission("copter-gripper-mission.txt") self.mavproxy.send('mode loiter\n') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.send('mode auto\n') self.wait_mode('AUTO') self.set_rc(3, 1500) self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Grabbed") self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Released") except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught: %s" % str(e)) self.mavproxy.send('mode land\n') ex = e self.context_pop() self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_manual_throttle_mode_change(self): self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) # avoid GUIDED instant disarm self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.change_mode("ACRO") self.change_mode("STABILIZE") self.change_mode("GUIDED") self.set_rc(3, 1700) self.watch_altitude_maintained(-1, 0.2) # should not take off in guided self.run_cmd_do_set_mode( "ACRO", want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED) # should fix this result code! self.set_rc(3, 1000) self.run_cmd_do_set_mode("ACRO") self.mav.motors_disarmed_wait() def test_mount_pitch(self, despitch, despitch_tolerance, timeout=5): tstart = self.get_sim_time() while True: if self.get_sim_time() - tstart > timeout: raise NotAchievedException("Mount pitch not achieved") m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) # self.progress("pitch=%f roll=%f yaw=%f" % # (m.pointing_a, m.pointing_b, m.pointing_c)) mount_pitch = m.pointing_a/100.0 # centidegrees to degrees if abs(despitch - mount_pitch) > despitch_tolerance: self.progress("Mount pitch incorrect: %f != %f" % (mount_pitch, despitch)) continue self.progress("Mount pitch correct: %f degrees == %f" % (mount_pitch, despitch)) return def do_pitch(self, pitch): '''pitch aircraft in guided/angle mode''' self.mav.mav.set_attitude_target_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 1, # target sysid 1, # target compid 0, # bitmask of things to ignore mavextra.euler_to_quat([0, math.radians(pitch), 0]), # att 0, # roll rate (rad/s) 1, # pitch rate 0, # yaw rate 0.5) # thrust, 0 to 1, translated to a climb/descent rate def test_mount(self): ex = None self.context_push() try: '''start by disabling GCS failsafe, otherwise we immediately disarm due to (apparently) not receiving traffic from the GCS for too long. This is probably a function of --speedup''' self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) self.progress("Setting up servo mount") roll_servo = 5 pitch_servo = 6 yaw_servo = 7 self.set_parameter("MNT_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % roll_servo, 8) # roll self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % pitch_servo, 7) # pitch self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % yaw_servo, 6) # yaw self.reboot_sitl() # to handle MNT_TYPE changing # make sure we're getting mount status and gimbal reports self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) self.mav.recv_match(type='GIMBAL_REPORT', blocking=True, timeout=5) # test pitch isn't stabilising: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) if m.pointing_a != 0 or m.pointing_b != 0 or m.pointing_c != 0: raise NotAchievedException("Mount stabilising when not requested") self.mavproxy.send('mode guided\n') self.wait_mode('GUIDED') self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.arm_vehicle() self.user_takeoff() despitch = 10 despitch_tolerance = 3 self.progress("Pitching vehicle") self.do_pitch(despitch) # will time out! self.wait_pitch(despitch, despitch_tolerance) # check we haven't modified: m = self.mav.recv_match(type='MOUNT_STATUS', blocking=True, timeout=5) if m.pointing_a != 0 or m.pointing_b != 0 or m.pointing_c != 0: raise NotAchievedException("Mount stabilising when not requested") self.progress("Enable pitch stabilization using MOUNT_CONFIGURE") self.do_pitch(despitch) self.mav.mav.mount_configure_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING, 0, # stab-roll 1, # stab-pitch 0) self.test_mount_pitch(-despitch, 1) self.progress("Disable pitch using MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE") self.do_pitch(despitch) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0) self.progress("Point somewhere using MOUNT_CONTROL (ANGLE)") self.do_pitch(despitch) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_MAVLINK_TARGETING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) self.mav.mav.mount_control_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component 20 * 100, # pitch 20 * 100, # roll (centidegrees) 0, # yaw 0 # save position ) self.test_mount_pitch(20, 1) self.progress("Point somewhere using MOUNT_CONTROL (GPS)") self.do_pitch(despitch) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_GPS_POINT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) start = self.mav.location() self.progress("start=%s" % str(start)) (t_lat, t_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, 10, 20) t_alt = 0 self.progress("loc %f %f %f" % (start.lat, start.lng, start.alt)) self.progress("targetting %f %f %f" % (t_lat, t_lon, t_alt)) self.do_pitch(despitch) self.mav.mav.mount_control_send( 1, # target system 1, # target component t_lat * 1e7, # lat t_lon * 1e7, # lon t_alt * 100, # alt 0 # save position ) self.test_mount_pitch(-52, 5) # now test RC targetting self.progress("Testing mount RC targetting") # this is a one-off; ArduCopter *will* time out this directive! self.progress("Levelling aircraft") self.mav.mav.set_attitude_target_send( 0, # time_boot_ms 1, # target sysid 1, # target compid 0, # bitmask of things to ignore mavextra.euler_to_quat([0, 0, 0]), # att 1, # roll rate (rad/s) 1, # pitch rate 1, # yaw rate 0.5) # thrust, 0 to 1, translated to a climb/descent rate self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONFIGURE, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) try: self.context_push() self.set_parameter('MNT_RC_IN_ROLL', 11) self.set_parameter('MNT_RC_IN_TILT', 12) self.set_parameter('MNT_RC_IN_PAN', 13) self.progress("Testing RC angular control") self.set_rc(11, 1500) self.set_rc(12, 1500) self.set_rc(13, 1500) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 1) self.set_rc(12, 1400) self.test_mount_pitch(-11.25, 0.01) self.set_rc(12, 1800) self.test_mount_pitch(33.75, 0.01) self.set_rc(11, 1500) self.set_rc(12, 1500) self.set_rc(13, 1500) self.progress("Testing RC rate control") self.set_parameter('MNT_JSTICK_SPD', 10) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 1) self.set_rc(12, 1300) self.test_mount_pitch(-5, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-10, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-15, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-20, 1) self.set_rc(12, 1700) self.test_mount_pitch(-15, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-10, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(-5, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 1) self.test_mount_pitch(5, 1) self.progress("Reverting to angle mode") self.set_parameter('MNT_JSTICK_SPD', 0) self.set_rc(12, 1500) self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0.1) self.context_pop() except Exception: self.context_pop() raise self.progress("Testing mount ROI behaviour") self.test_mount_pitch(0, 0.1) start = self.mav.location() self.progress("start=%s" % str(start)) (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, 10, 20) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION") self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI_LOCATION, 0, 0, 0, 0, roi_lat, roi_lon, roi_alt, ) self.test_mount_pitch(-52, 5) start = self.mav.location() (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, -100, -200) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI") self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, 0, 0, 0, 0, roi_lat, roi_lon, roi_alt, ) self.test_mount_pitch(-7.5, 1) self.progress("checking ArduCopter yaw-aircraft-for-roi") try: self.context_push() m = self.mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True) self.progress("current heading %u" % m.heading) self.set_parameter("SERVO%u_FUNCTION" % yaw_servo, 0) # yaw self.progress("Waiting for check_servo_map to do its job") self.wait_seconds(5) start = self.mav.location() self.progress("Moving to guided/position controller") self.fly_guided_move_relative(0, 0, 0) self.guided_achieve_heading(0) (roi_lat, roi_lon) = mavextra.gps_offset(start.lat, start.lng, -100, -200) roi_alt = 0 self.progress("Using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI") self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_ROI, 0, 0, 0, 0, roi_lat, roi_lon, roi_alt, ) self.wait_heading(110, timeout=600) self.context_pop() except Exception: self.context_pop() raise except Exception as e: ex = e self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() # to handle MNT_TYPE changing if ex is not None: raise ex def fly_precision_companion(self): """Use Companion PrecLand backend precision messages to loiter.""" self.context_push() ex = None try: self.set_parameter("PLND_ENABLED", 1) self.fetch_parameters() # enable companion backend: self.set_parameter("PLND_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_TYPE", 1) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MIN_CM", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_MAX_CM", 4000) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_PIN", 0) self.set_parameter("RNGFND1_SCALING", 12.12) # set up a channel switch to enable precision loiter: self.set_parameter("RC7_OPTION", 39) self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("Waiting for location") self.mav.location() self.zero_throttle() self.mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') # stabilize mode self.wait_heartbeat() self.wait_mode('STABILIZE') self.wait_ready_to_arm() # we should be doing precision loiter at this point start = self.mav.recv_match(type='LOCAL_POSITION_NED', blocking=True) self.arm_vehicle() self.set_rc(3, 1800) alt_min = 10 self.wait_altitude(alt_min, (alt_min + 5), relative=True) self.set_rc(3, 1500) # move away a little self.set_rc(2, 1550) self.wait_distance(5) self.set_rc(2, 1500) self.mavproxy.send('mode loiter\n') self.wait_mode('LOITER') # turn precision loiter on: self.set_rc(7, 2000) # try to drag aircraft to a position 5 metres north-east-east: self.loiter_to_ne(start.x + 5, start.y + 10, start.z + 10) self.loiter_to_ne(start.x + 5, start.y - 10, start.z + 10) except Exception as e: self.progress("Exception caught: %s" % traceback.format_exc(e)) ex = e self.context_pop() self.zero_throttle() self.reboot_sitl() self.progress("All done") if ex is not None: raise ex def test_arm_feature(self): # ensure we can't switch to LOITER without position self.progress("Ensure we can't enter LOITER without position") self.context_push() self.set_parameter("GPS_TYPE", 0) self.reboot_sitl() self.change_mode('STABILIZE') self.arm_vehicle() self.mavproxy.send("mode LOITER\n") self.mavproxy.expect("requires position") self.disarm_vehicle() self.context_pop() self.reboot_sitl() super(AutoTestCopter, self).test_arm_feature() def test_parameter_checks(self): self.wait_ready_to_arm() self.context_push() self.set_parameter("PSC_POSXY_P", -1) self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, 1, # ARM 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, timeout=2, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_FAILED) self.context_pop() self.run_cmd(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, 1, # ARM 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, timeout=2, want_result=mavutil.mavlink.MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED) self.disarm_vehicle() def initial_mode(self): return "STABILIZE" def initial_mode_switch_mode(self): return "STABILIZE" def default_mode(self): return "STABILIZE" def rc_defaults(self): ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).rc_defaults() ret[3] = 1000 ret[5] = 1800 # mode switch return ret def tests(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).tests() ret.extend([ ("NavDelayTakeoffAbsTime", "Fly Nav Delay (takeoff)", self.fly_nav_takeoff_delay_abstime), ("NavDelayAbsTime", "Fly Nav Delay (AbsTime)", self.fly_nav_delay_abstime), ("NavDelay", "Fly Nav Delay", self.fly_nav_delay), ("GuidedSubModeChange", "Test submode change", self.fly_guided_change_submode), ("LoiterToAlt", "Loiter-To-Alt", self.fly_loiter_to_alt), ("PayLoadPlaceMission", "Payload Place Mission", self.fly_payload_place_mission), ("PrecisionLoiterCompanion", "Precision Loiter (Companion)", self.fly_precision_companion), ("PrecisionLandingSITL", "Precision Landing (SITL)", self.fly_precision_sitl), ("SetModesViaModeSwitch", "Set modes via modeswitch", self.test_setting_modes_via_modeswitch), ("SetModesViaAuxSwitch", "Set modes via auxswitch", self.test_setting_modes_via_auxswitch), ("AutoTune", "Fly AUTOTUNE mode", self.fly_autotune), ("RecordThenPlayMission", "Use switches to toggle in mission, then fly it", self.fly_square), ("ThrottleFailsafe", "Test Throttle Failsafe", self.fly_throttle_failsafe), ("BatteryFailsafe", "Fly Battery Failsafe", self.fly_battery_failsafe), ("StabilityPatch", "Fly stability patch", lambda: self.fly_stability_patch(30)), ("HorizontalFence", "Test horizontal fence", lambda: self.fly_fence_test(180)), ("MaxAltFence", "Test Max Alt Fence", self.fly_alt_max_fence_test), ("GPSGlitchLoiter", "GPS Glitch Loiter Test", self.fly_gps_glitch_loiter_test), ("GPSGlitchAuto", "GPS Glitch Auto Test", self.fly_gps_glitch_auto_test), ("ModeAltHold", "Test AltHold Mode", self.test_mode_ALT_HOLD), ("ModeLoiter", "Test Loiter Mode", self.loiter), ("SimpleMode", "Fly in SIMPLE mode", self.fly_simple), ("SuperSimpleCircle", "Fly a circle in SUPER SIMPLE mode", self.fly_super_simple), ("ModeCircle", "Fly CIRCLE mode", self.fly_circle), ("OpticalFlowLimits", "Fly Optical Flow limits", self.fly_optical_flow_limits), ("MotorFail", "Fly motor failure test", self.fly_motor_fail), ("Flip", "Fly Flip Mode", self.fly_flip), ("CopterMission", "Fly copter mission", self.fly_auto_test), # Gripper test ("Gripper", "Test gripper", self.test_gripper), ("TestGripperMission", "Test Gripper mission items", self.test_gripper_mission), ("VisionPosition", "Fly Vision Position", self.fly_vision_position), ("RTLSpeed", "Fly RTL Speed", self.fly_rtl_speed), ("Mount", "Test Camera/Antenna Mount", self.test_mount), ("RangeFinder", "Test RangeFinder Basic Functionality", self.test_rangefinder), ("Parachute", "Test Parachute Functionality", self.test_parachute), ("ParameterChecks", "Test Arming Parameter Checks", self.test_parameter_checks), ("ManualThrottleModeChange", "Check manual throttle mode changes denied on high throttle", self.fly_manual_throttle_mode_change), ("LogDownLoad", "Log download", lambda: self.log_download( self.buildlogs_path("ArduCopter-log.bin"), upload_logs=len(self.fail_list) > 0)) ]) return ret def disabled_tests(self): return { "Parachute": "See https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/issues/4702", } class AutoTestHeli(AutoTestCopter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AutoTestHeli, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.log_name = "HeliCopter" self.frame = 'heli' def sitl_start_location(self): return SITL_START_LOCATION_AVC def is_heli(self): return True def rc_defaults(self): ret = super(AutoTestHeli, self).rc_defaults() ret[8] = 1000 ret[3] = 1000 # collective return ret def tests(self): '''return list of all tests''' ret = super(AutoTestCopter, self).tests() ret.extend([ ("AVCMission", "Fly AVC mission", self.fly_avc_test), ("LogDownLoad", "Log download", lambda: self.log_download( self.buildlogs_path("ArduCopter-log.bin"), upload_logs=len(self.fail_list) > 0)) ]) return ret