#include #include "AC_PrecLand_SITL.h" #if AC_PRECLAND_SITL_ENABLED #include "AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h" // init - perform initialisation of this backend void AC_PrecLand_SITL::init() { _sitl = AP::sitl(); } // update - give chance to driver to get updates from sensor void AC_PrecLand_SITL::update() { _state.healthy = _sitl->precland_sim.healthy(); if (_state.healthy && _sitl->precland_sim.last_update_ms() != _los_meas_time_ms) { const Vector3d position = _sitl->precland_sim.get_target_position(); const Matrix3d body_to_ned = AP::ahrs().get_rotation_body_to_ned().todouble(); _los_meas_body = body_to_ned.mul_transpose(-position).tofloat(); _distance_to_target = _sitl->precland_sim.option_enabled(SITL::SIM_Precland::Option::ENABLE_TARGET_DISTANCE) ? _los_meas_body.length() : 0.0f; _los_meas_body /= _los_meas_body.length(); if (_frontend._orient != Rotation::ROTATION_PITCH_270) { // rotate body frame vector based on orientation // this is done to have homogeneity among backends // frontend rotates it back to get correct body frame vector _los_meas_body.rotate_inverse(_frontend._orient); _los_meas_body.rotate_inverse(ROTATION_PITCH_90); } _have_los_meas = true; _los_meas_time_ms = _sitl->precland_sim.last_update_ms(); } else { _have_los_meas = false; } _have_los_meas = _have_los_meas && AP_HAL::millis() - _los_meas_time_ms <= 1000; } #endif // AC_PRECLAND_SITL_ENABLED