<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- <enums> 
  <enum name="SLUGS_ACTION" > 
    <description> Slugs Actions </description> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_NONE"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_SUCCESS"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_FAIL"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_EEPROM"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_MODE_CHANGE"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_MODE_REPORT"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_PT_CHANGE"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_PT_REPORT"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_PID_CHANGE"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_PID_REPORT"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_WP_CHANGE"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_WP_REPORT"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_MLC_CHANGE"> 
    <entry name = "SLUGS_ACTION_MLC_REPORT"> 

  <enum name="WP_PROTOCOL_STATE" > 
    <description> Waypoint Protocol States </description> 
    <entry name = "WP_PROT_IDLE"> 
    <entry name = "WP_PROT_LIST_REQUESTED"> 
    <entry name = "WP_PROT_NUM_SENT">
    <entry name = "WP_PROT_TX_WP"> 
    <entry name = "WP_PROT_RX_WP"> 
    <entry name = "WP_PROT_SENDING_WP_IDLE"> 
    <entry name = "WP_PROT_GETTING_WP_IDLE"> 
</enums> -->
        <message name="CPU_LOAD" id="170">
            <description>Sensor and DSC control loads.</description>
            <field name="sensLoad" type="uint8_t">Sensor DSC Load</field>
            <field name="ctrlLoad" type="uint8_t">Control DSC Load</field>
            <field name="batVolt" type="uint16_t">Battery Voltage in millivolts</field>     
        <message name="AIR_DATA" id="171">
            <description>Air data for altitude and airspeed computation.</description>
            <field name="dynamicPressure" type="float">Dynamic pressure (Pa)</field>
            <field name="staticPressure" type="float">Static pressure (Pa)</field>
            <field name="temperature" type="uint16_t">Board temperature</field>     
        <message name="SENSOR_BIAS" id="172">
            <description>Accelerometer and gyro biases.</description>
            <field name="axBias" type="float">Accelerometer X bias (m/s)</field>
            <field name="ayBias" type="float">Accelerometer Y bias (m/s)</field>
            <field name="azBias" type="float">Accelerometer Z bias (m/s)</field>
            <field name="gxBias" type="float">Gyro X bias (rad/s)</field>
            <field name="gyBias" type="float">Gyro Y bias (rad/s)</field>
            <field name="gzBias" type="float">Gyro Z bias (rad/s)</field>
        <message name="DIAGNOSTIC" id="173">
            <description>Configurable diagnostic messages.</description>
            <field name="diagFl1" type="float">Diagnostic float 1</field>
            <field name="diagFl2" type="float">Diagnostic float 2</field>
            <field name="diagFl3" type="float">Diagnostic float 3</field>
            <field name="diagSh1" type="int16_t">Diagnostic short 1</field>
            <field name="diagSh2" type="int16_t">Diagnostic short 2</field>
            <field name="diagSh3" type="int16_t">Diagnostic short 3</field>
        <message name="SLUGS_NAVIGATION" id="176">
            <description>Data used in the navigation algorithm.</description>
            <field name="u_m" type="float">Measured Airspeed prior to the Nav Filter</field>
            <field name="phi_c" type="float">Commanded Roll</field>
            <field name="theta_c" type="float">Commanded Pitch</field>
            <field name="psiDot_c" type="float">Commanded Turn rate</field>
            <field name="ay_body" type="float">Y component of the body acceleration</field>
            <field name="totalDist" type="float">Total Distance to Run on this leg of Navigation</field>
            <field name="dist2Go" type="float">Remaining distance to Run on this leg of Navigation</field>
            <field name="fromWP" type="uint8_t">Origin WP</field>
            <field name="toWP" type="uint8_t">Destination WP</field>
        <message name="DATA_LOG" id="177">
            <description>Configurable data log probes to be used inside Simulink.</description>
            <field name="fl_1" type="float">Log value 1 </field>
            <field name="fl_2" type="float">Log value 2 </field>
            <field name="fl_3" type="float">Log value 3 </field>
            <field name="fl_4" type="float">Log value 4 </field>
            <field name="fl_5" type="float">Log value 5 </field>
            <field name="fl_6" type="float">Log value 6 </field>
        <message name="GPS_DATE_TIME" id="179">
            <description>Pilot console PWM messges.</description>
            <field name="year"  type="uint8_t">Year reported by Gps </field>
            <field name="month" type="uint8_t">Month reported by Gps </field>
            <field name="day"   type="uint8_t">Day reported by Gps </field>
            <field name="hour"  type="uint8_t">Hour reported by Gps </field>
            <field name="min"   type="uint8_t">Min reported by Gps </field>
            <field name="sec"   type="uint8_t">Sec reported by Gps  </field>
            <field name="visSat"   type="uint8_t">Visible sattelites reported by Gps  </field>
        <message name="MID_LVL_CMDS" id="180">
            <description>Mid Level commands sent from the GS to the autopilot. These are only sent when being opperated in mid-level commands mode from the ground; for periodic report of these commands generated from the autopilot see message XXXX.</description>
            <field name="target" type="uint8_t">The system setting the commands</field>
            <field name="hCommand" type="float">Commanded Airspeed</field>
            <field name="uCommand" type="float">Log value 2 </field>
            <field name="rCommand" type="float">Log value 3 </field>
        <message name="CTRL_SRFC_PT" id="181">
            <description>This message configures the Selective Passthrough mode. it allows to select which control surfaces the Pilot can control from his console. It is implemented as a bitfield as follows: 
            Position          Bit        Code
            15-8             Reserved  
            7                 dt_pass    128
            6                 dla_pass   64
            5                 dra_pass   32
            4                 dr_pass    16
            3                 dle_pass   8
            2                 dre_pass   4
            1                 dlf_pass   2
            0                 drf_pass   1
            Where Bit 15 is the MSb. 0 = AP has control of the surface; 1 = Pilot Console has control of the surface.</description>
            <field name="target" type="uint8_t">The system setting the commands</field>
            <field name="bitfieldPt" type="uint16_t">Bitfield containing the PT configuration</field>
        <message name="SLUGS_ACTION" id="183">
            <description>Action messages focused on the SLUGS AP. </description>
            <field name="target" type="uint8_t">The system reporting the action</field>
            <field name="actionId" type="uint8_t">Action ID. See apDefinitions.h in the SLUGS /clib directory for the ID names</field>
            <field name="actionVal" type="uint16_t">Value associated with the action</field>