# hw definition file for processing by chibios_pins.py include ../iomcu/hwdef.inc undef AP_FASTBOOT_ENABLED AP_BOOTLOADER_FLASHING_ENABLED undef HAL_DSHOT_ENABLED # PPM uses a DMA channel that is required for TIM2, and no remapping of PA8 is possible undef PA8 undef STM32_ICU_USE_TIM1 RCIN_ICU_TIMER STM32_RCIN_DMA_STREAM HAL_USE_ICU undef PORT_INT_REQUIRED_STACK MAIN_STACK undef CH_CFG_ST_TIMEDELTA CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY undef AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED # TIM2_UP required for PWM1/2 define STM32_TIM_TIM2_UP_DMA_STREAM STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 2) define STM32_TIM_TIM2_UP_DMA_CHAN 1 # TIM4_UP (PWM 3/4) cannot be used with sharing as channels used by high speed USART2 RX/TX define AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED 1 define STM32_TIM_TIM4_UP_DMA_STREAM STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 7) define STM32_TIM_TIM4_UP_DMA_CHAN 1 define SHARED_DMA_MASK (1U<