Arduino USB-To-Serial & PPM_Encoder (atmega16u2 & atmega32u2).

Make sure you have the latest avr-gcc / winavr installed.
Unzip the project and go to the < ./Projects/arduino-usbserial/ > directory.

To compile the project type (makefile is set for atmega32u2):

>make clean

Uploading firmware to atmega32u2 using the DFU bootloader (see ../arduino-usbserial/readme.txt for instructions).

The PPM encoder code is located in the "ppm_encoder.h" file.

What it does.
The original Arduino USB to serial code should run and operate just like before.
In addition there are now 8 servo inputs using (PB0:7) PCINT interrupts, and a PPM output (PC6) using PWM - OC1A for hardware driven pin toggle and timing.