# How to profile ardupilot binary on ESP32 and use result to place critical functions to the IRAM ## Prepare source 1. Configure project with `--enable-profile` option: `./waf configure --board=esp32diy --enable-profile` 2. Rebuild binaries ## Run program with profiling enabled 1. Flash and run binary 2. Try to use mode silimiar to real flight. I.E. compass/gps connected, armed state, and so no 3. It will write profile stat to the `/APM/APM/PROF000.TXT` files on the sdcard every one minute ## Use profile info to optimize program 1. Copy `PROF*.TXT` file from sd card 2. Copy file `arducopter.map` from build directory 2. Use them to produce `functions.list` by the script `LinkerScriptGenerator.kt` (modify paths and limits inside) 3. Place file `functions.list` to the `target/copter/main` folder